The following is example of how to use RPC-SP2.


The RPC-SP2 is protected against unauthorized access with a encrypted password.

The password can be composed with 4 to 8 figures number, alphabet, and number + alphabet.
remote power controller(RPC-SP2) Web UI - password for security #Password input window


The user can control electric power into the connected devices and monitor the operating status of devices.

#Main web UI for control and monitoring
Move to main web UI Set the auto-switching on time
Move to config network web UI Channel name of DC Link
Channel name of AC power outlet Connecting state of DC Link
Electric status of power outlet Set the DC Link time
Current per AC power outlet Switch ON the DC Link
Switch On/Off & status Temp. sensor data
Input the auto-switching on time RPC-SP2 running time

1. Switch ON/OFF
: Control the switch ON/OFF status per each electric AC power outlet

① Check the Power outlet channel(ⓒ)
② Click to one of switch ON/OFF(ⓕ) to control
The white letters on a black background is the switch status

Electric safety circuit
- Electric fuse and circuit breaker
- Display warning message over 10A current per each outlet
- Shut down electric power of outlet automatically over 12A current per each outlet

2. Auto-Switching On
: Auto-switching on the electric power outlet on time without switch control manually.

① Check the Power outlet channel (ⓒ) to control
② Input number to set time for auto-switching on (ⓖ)
③ Click “Set" button(ⓗ)
"* Set time of "0" : Non use of "auto-Switching On" function
* Available set time : 0~99 sec.

3. Monitoring sensor data
: Monitoring an integrated temperature sensor into the RPC-SP2 and the additional other sensor which is connected to the RPC-SP2.

ⓜ Internal Temp. : Integrated temperature sensor data
It is can be changed to other sensor data display in depends on user requirement (Customization).

Set the network information for user own network connection.

#Main web UI for config network
Display to MAC address CH name display & input
IP address status & input Web server port status & input
Gateway status & input Save the entered information.
Subnetmask status & input Change the password
DNS status & input

* Setting Network
: User can set the network information to the RPC-SP2 for user own network connection.

① Input the new IP(ⓟ), Subnet Mask(ⓡ), Gateway IP(ⓠ), DNS Server IP(ⓢ), web server port(ⓤ)
② Click “SAVE” button(ⓥ)

* User can change a web server port number for user own connection.
(Factory default web server port is "80")